
  生命不在尋找自己, 生命是在於創造自己. (圖譯)


<by F.>













< by CH >

Judy went above and beyond the call of duty while helping me to edit my essay.


She was able to take my wordy essay and make it concise without taking away from the message.


It was improved to a level that I was proud to submit as part of my application and in fact,

it was probably the strongest element of my overall application.

一直改進到我有自信呈遞成為我申請書的一部份, 事實上, 此論文應該是我申請文件中最強一項.


Having no fluent English speaking, I did not think I had much of a shot 
at impressing the Admission Committee during

 自認沒有流暢的英文溝通能力, 我不認為我有很大的機會能讓入學委員們對我留下印象.

interview, but thought my best bet would be to ensure I had a killer consultant.


 Once my application was accepted for doctoral study with full sponsorship, I knew Judy played a big part.

當得知我獲得全額博士學位獎學金, 我知道茱蒂的功不可沒.
----Admitted to University of Pennsylvania, UC Davis, Michigan State University.


In 2009 and later accepted MSU's offer with full scholarship for his Doctoral Study. 

在 2009年榮獲 MSU 密西根州大學頒發全額博士學位獎學金.


< Susanty, Early Childhood Education Teacher >

I had never been to any image consultation in my life;

therefore, few days before the consultation day I was a little nervous

because I am not sure what to expect through this consultation. 

She is a super committed lady who is very dedicated on what she loves to do! 

She listened so well to my needs and ensured that I was comfortable in every way.

She was good to reveal the true potential side that even I was not awared of.

She did not try to convert me into becoming someone else,

but she gently guided and listened to my concerns and responded accordingly.

One of the many things I learned from her was it is important to live couragesly

and always willing to try new things.

If it is not working then it is totally an OK ;).

Thanks Judy for a valuable learning curve! 

I have to give you five stars!

I wish you the best in your future endeavour!


< Sunny, Student of Simon Fraser University >

 I want to say that Judy is a great Image Consultant.

She can change you from head to toe,

show you a new and different you. 

If you want to become beautiful, you have to trust Judy. 

 Throughout the makeover process,

I learned how to pose and how to show my confidence. 

The feeling was so good,

just like she use the camera to write down my life,

also use the camera to find a totally different me. 

In the end, I saw the pictures, the makeover plus the photographer's masterpiece that was a classic.

I trusted her, so she gave me a gorgeous me that I was hard to believe that was me. 

Trust Judy, because she has the high skill no matter from make up or clothes matching. 

She let me believe there is no ugly women in the world, only lazy women. 

And I also learned the most beautiful thing is confidence.


< C.,  Former Nurse >

Because of Judy, I had so many compliments on how great I looked at my mother's 80th Birthday. 

That night I felt so confident in front of this large crowd of family. 

Special Occassion like this I know it's all worth it!


< Abigail, Elementary English Teacher >

I came to Judy a few days before my best friend's wedding.

She went over my wardrobe and offered a few options.

The morning of the actual wedding day, we finalized the outfit and she did a makeover on me.

My friends were surprised that I actually even had makeup on.

It was great!

Thanks to Judy for such a great memory.


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