
Linda Jefferyes 與 Nicole Thompson對話

(from MAC Pro)

琳達與許多知名時尚雜誌合作過Vogue, 潑哈, 美麗佳人.

幫過許多知名明星及籌劃時妝runway show.

Linda 琳達說了一句很重要的話

Keep an open mind. Don’t just think that all it is going to take is a make-up course to make it.

讓自己的思想保持開放, 不要單純認為只要拿彩妝課就能成為成功的彩妝師.







想像力豐富的她 - 也可以找到她的一片天.

培養興趣  永遠不嫌遲.

Nicole Thompson: How did you get started in make-up?

Linda Jefferyes: I was doing little bits of modelling, working overseas and I was always interested in behind the scenes, always watching what was happening. I loved to see what the make-up artist was doing. 
I came back from working in London, and my Agent (in Perth) at the time said to me “well what do you want to do know?” and I said “I want to be a Make-up Artist!” She literally sent me out, I got a Make-up Kit together and went to work – they threw me straight in!

NT: Were you self taught or did you study Make-up?

L J:
I was self taught! It helped being in the industry already, but I was also very into make-up even as a kid. Also, I was very into Imagery, collecting images so that’s how I learned – along the way!


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